My Struggle With Patience

It has been a while since I've posted an entry. In all honesty, I had it my head that I would stay quiet for a while and come back with this beautiful story of transformation. Well, that still may happen, but I think that I have grossly underestimated the time required for a shift to occur, let alone a wholesale transformation.A few months ago, I signed up with a wellness coach, and it has been great. Meg has taken an approach that has helped me explore the emotional side of my struggles with weight and self-image. The work has been far less about "Eat this, not that. Do this. Lift that." and much more about peeling back the stories I tell myself about myself. The level of self-sabotage within me is much higher than I realized or ever imagined. I will be the first to admit that I am hard on myself, but I had no clue how I have been employing behaviors that completely undermine my goals or intentions. It has been pretty hard to stand in this mirror and see who is looking back. One of the hardest parts of this reveal has been that I feel sad, embarrassed even, about my weight and physical shape. I jumped on the scale a few weeks ago and saw that my weight had ticked up by about five pounds. The number on the scale's screen was devasting. I sat in a stupor afterward with the digits swirling around in my head. I wished that I could have released it all with a good cry, but at that moment, when my angst, dismay, and self-loathing completely boiled over, I was paralyzed. Numb.Why can't I seem to make any real, substantive progress toward the weight and body I so deeply desire?I took part in the first meeting of a workshop led by Mark Nepo, and I shared my frustration of finding myself at 52 not knowing what my "thing" is, as well as this constant struggle with weight and body image. Mark lovingly reminded me that things take time. Not long after the workshop, I was reading Emily Maroutian's new book "In Case Nobody Told You," and one passage, in particular, grabbed me by both arms and shook me.

"The only thing that can change your life in one day is either a trauma or a miracle. Everything else takes time."

Wow! I genuinely believe when something repeatedly shows up in your life it's because there's a lesson you're meant to receive, and the agitation with that thing keep coming up until the lesson is learned.Of course, making change takes work, but it also takes time. The deeper I examine my emotional triggers, it becomes clear that I have been struggling with weight and body image since I was a teenager. Realizing how long these feelings have been present (upfront or in the background), it is unrealistic to think I will see the change I desire immediately. I have fallen victim to the trap of expectations and immediacy. There's a saying, "Expectations are premeditated resentments."


The path from where you are to where you want to go is rarely a straight line. That's easy to grasp, but often hard to practice in day-to-day life.I keep saying to myself, "I am smart enough to know better. I know what I shouldn't eat. I know that I should find some regular movement and exercise." After a while, it has become clear that intelligence or willpower have less to do with making this sort of transformation than patience. I can't go to the gym for a couple of weeks and expect a six-pack to appear magically, but somehow that expectation shows up. I cannot eat a steady diet of quinoa and kale and think my man boobs or 40+ inch belly circumference will melt away in a month. Real talk: I have simply given lip service to having patience. I want results now! When they don't show up when I want them, that little naysayer sitting on my shoulder is quick to chime in with "See! You're not losing any weight. You're meant to be a fatty, so go ahead and have that pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. Treat yo'self!"It has become clear that willpower I need to summon is more about patience than food. I have been known to very disciplined with food in the past, but the execution always seemed to wane after a few months. Now, at 52, I know this has to be a lifelong commitment. I am committed to the journey of physical fitness, but I have to be patient for the change I desire. I'm not trying to lose weight for beach season or a wedding (though I am attending one in a couple of weeks that is giving rise to some anxiety). My patience will not only have to be measured in pounds and inches but also forgiveness. I am going to make mistakes along the way. I just made about eight of them last night with Halloween candy. The test will be to look at the behaviors with a non-critical lens. Examine what were the triggers and not why the actions mean I'm a loser.As stated at the outset, I have been keeping to myself about the ups and downs, successes and setbacks. I had some grand "Tada!" reveal in my head, but that would likely mean I wouldn't post for a year or two, if not longer. I think part of the process of working through my issues will be to share them openly. It may help others struggling with the same issues. It may present an opportunity to hear and learn from others traveling on their paths toward self-love. So, stay tuned for more posts from me. Some may be short, random thoughts/musings. Some may be mental or emotional dumps.Peace!